WordCrex ist ein Multiplayer-Wortspiel mit dem einzigartigen fairen Spielprinzip. Alle Spieler spielen mit dem gleichen Satz von sieben Buchstaben so glücklich zu sein, die richtigen Buchstaben bekommen zu spielen ist kein Faktor mehr. In jeder Runde können Sie Wörter mit sieben Buchstaben zu bilden, werden in Frage gestellt, um die meisten Punkte zu bekommen. Das Spielbrett besteht aus 225 Plätzen. Einige von ihnen sind farbig und repräsentieren verschiedene Multiplikatoren für Wörter oder Buchstaben. Sie verdienen Punkte mit Buchstaben auf dem Brett platziert eine oder mehrere benachbarte Wörter zu erstellen. Der Wert der Buchstaben verwendet wird aufsummiert. Sie können noch mehr Punkte erhalten, indem Buchstaben auf den Multiplikatoren platzieren.


2L The value of the letter placed on this square is multiplied by 2.

4L The value of the letter placed on this square is multiplied by 4.

6L The value of the letter placed on this square is multiplied by 6.

3W The value of the word with a letter placed on this square is multiplied by 3.

4W The value of the word with a letter placed on this square is multiplied by 4.

If one word covers more than one square with a multiplier, the value multiplies accordingly.

A 100 points bonus is rewarded when a player uses all seven letters in one turn.

At the first turn, one of the letters must be on the center of the board, that also counts as a 3W multiplier.

Every next turn new words placed on the board must connect to a letter that is already placed on the board. Words can be placed horizontally or vertically.

Each player receives the points of his own word, but only the word of the player with the highest score is placed on the game board. When players have the same score in a turn the fastest played word will be placed on the board. The remaining letters of the player with the winning word will be supplemented to seven. All players continue to play the new turn with these letters.

The game ends when all the letters of the game are played or when players have to pass when there are less than seven tiles left. Also in a two player game when a player resigns during a game or exceeds the turn time he or she loses this game, in a multiplayer game the other players can play on.

The player with the highest total score wins the game!